Note: after repairing steering be sure to replace bedding compound with 5200!
Todays work is cut out for me even if its raining now
1. remove backing plate and stanchion. 2. dry with heat gun 3. grind in slanted edges 4. screw in much longer baking plate. 4 epoxy deck with quick hardener 5. replace stanchion.
I'll have to go to west for hardener $35 or so in parts.
UH OH!!! Disaster in making! this was hidden behind pile when pile got knocked over could have easily broken off!
Looks like time for a swim. I've replaced a few tru-hull in water before. it sounds scary but its not.
1. wash inside fittings with muratic acid( removes corrosion so you can see just what your dealing with) DO NOT FORGET TO WASH With LOTS OF F/W AFTER!!!
2. jump in and lightly tap in DC plug( if you dont know what that is or have a bunch of them aboard, there just softwood cones. GO GET a bunch of different sizes at least one for each size tru hull and a spare for the one you WILL lose)
3. soak with PB blaster i love this stuff! repeat after a hour or so.
4. If fitting will come off with wrench good if not CAREFULLY heat it.
If nothing works its time for drastic measures not for feint of heart.
Check all bilge pumps, you might need them!!
Having at the ready a thick piece of plasticity film or heavy tarp liberally gooped with tar and a new tru hull with 5200 thickly goop.ed on use cutting wheel on grinder or torch to remove tru hull. then whack it with hammer to send it to Davy Jones.
have swimmer ready to plop on patch the second throughhull drops if he cant pop new tru hull in.
Keep Calm! there will be a gusher of water for a moment or two. if swimmer drops both patch and fitting remember those plugs!
... Rather you than me buddy ... but I sure do admire your determination :) from us on Catamaran Impi